Valentina Lozano Nasi

Table 4.3. Hierarchical Regressions conducted in Study 2 Predictor Evaluation SH Interest to join SH Intentions to Support SH Information seeking SH Community adaptation Individual adaptation b (SE) 95% CI for b p f2 b (SE) 95% CI for b p f2 b (SE) 95% CI for b p f2 OR a (SE) 95% CI for OR p f2 b (SE) 95% CI for b p f2 b (SE) 95% CI for b p f2 Step 1 Individual transilience 0.31 (0.07) 0.17; 0.65 <. 001 - 0.49 (0.09) 0.32; 0.67 <.001 - 0.49 (0.09) 0.32; 0.67 <.001 - 0.33 (0.12) 0.09; 0.57 .007 - 0.44 (0.08) 0.29; 0.60 < .001 - 0.31 (0.07) 0.17; 0.46 < .001 - Step 2 Individual transilience 0.06 (0.08) -.01; 0.23 .434 .00 0.22 (0.12) -.00; 0.45 .051 .01 0.25 (0.11) 0.04; 0.46 .019 .02 0.12 (0.15) -0.17; 0.41 .408 .00 0.12 (0.09) -0.05; 0.30 .175 .01 0.11 (0.09) -0.06; 0.28 .204 .01 Collective transilience 0.41 (0.08) 0.26; 0.57 < .001 .09 0.55 (0.11) 0.33; 0.77 <.001 .08 0.41 (0.10) 0.21; 0.61 <.001 .06 0.38 (0.15) 0.09; 0.67 .009 .02 0.54 (0.09) 0.37; 0.71 < .001 .14 0.34 (0.08) 0.28; 0.51 < .001 .06 Total R2 .14 .16 .14 .04 .21 .11 ΔR2 .08 .07 .05 .02 b .11 .05 ΔF 27.72 *** 23.65 *** 15.94 *** 7.06 c *** 39.19 *** 17.00 *** Note. *** p < .001; a = Odds Ratio; b = McFadden’s R2 for binomial logistic regression; c = Chi square statistic for binomial logistic regression