Valentina Lozano Nasi

117 collective transilience in the face of climate change APPENDIX A Manipulation used in Study 2: Full Text (translated from Dutch) Community risks Individual risks Climate change poses a risk to us, people living in Stadshagen. Our community will likely face extreme weather events more often in the future, including floodings and heatwaves. These climate related hazards can have negative consequences for us, inhabitants of Stadshagen. For example, our houses and the roads in our neighbourhood may face severe damage, making our mobility more difficult. Furthermore, rising temperatures may limit our possibility to use public spaces (for instance during heatwaves) and can have serious negative effects on the physical and mental health of our inhabitants. Therefore, it is important that we as a community take action to prepare ourselves against these (future) impacts of climate change. Climate change poses a risk to you and your household. You will likely face extreme weather events more often in the future, including floodings and heatwaves. These climate related hazards can have negative consequences for you and your household. For example, your house and the roads around your house may face severe damage, making your mobility more difficult. Furthermore, rising temperatures may limit your possibility to be outside your house (for instance during heatwaves) and can also have serious negative effects on your physical and mental health. Therefore, it is important that you as an individual take action to prepare yourself against these (future) impacts of climate change. Table A1. Effect of the manipulation used in Study 2 on relevant variables F df1 df2 p Collective transilience 0.111 1 288.483 0.740 Individual transilience 0.320 1 281.380 0.572 Evaluation of SH 0.621 1 288.717 0.431 Interest to join SH 1.100 1 288.374 0.295 Intentions to support SH 1.379 1 281.066 0.241 Information seeking about SH 0.890 1 287.293 0.346 Community adaptation 1.882 1 289.164 0.171 Individual adaptation 1.272 1 287.181 0.260 4