Valentina Lozano Nasi

118 chapter 4 Description of the SensHagen initiative (Translated from Dutch) Note: this text was not part of the manipulation and was therefore presented to all participants In response to concerns from inhabitants of Stadshagen about climate change risks, a new initiative has been set up, called the SensHagen project. The SensHagen project generally aims to protect Stadshagen against the risks of climate change by making Stadshagen climate adaptive. If you join the SensHagen project, you will get sensors installed in your backyard. These sensors will monitor air quality, precipitation, evaporation, heat and wind to establish what kind of climate risks Stadshagen faces. Based on the data collected, the municipality can learn what policies they need to implement to make Stadshagen more adaptive to climate change. We will now ask some questions about your thoughts and opinions on the SensHagen project. Please read the statements carefully.