Valentina Lozano Nasi

APPENDIX B Overview of all measures included in Study 1 and Study 2 Measure Study 1 Study 2 (translated into Dutch) Collective transilience Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. Please bear in mind that the questions refer to the negative consequences that climate change can have for your community Persistence 1. We can be brave in the face of climate change risks 2. We can be persistent when faced with climate change risks 3. We can stay determined in the face of climate change risks 4. No matter what climate change brings about, we can remain strong willed Adaptability 5. I think we can take different actions to deal with climate change risks 6. I think we have several options to deal with climate change risks 7. I believe we can find multiple means to deal with climate change risks 8. There are different ways in which we can cope with climate change risks Transformability 9. Coping with the stress caused by climate change risks can strengthen us 10. There can be advantages for us in dealing with climate change risks 11. Dealing with climate change risks can make us grow as a person 12. We can learn something good from dealing with climate change risks The following questions are about how you think that the confrontation with climate change affects the residents of Stadshagen. Specifically, we want to ask you to think about how being confronted with the risks of flooding and heat-waves in Stadshagen affects the residents of stadshagen. Persistence 1. We, residents of Stadshagen, can be brave 2. We, residents of Stadshagen, can be persistent 3. We, residents of Stadshagen, can stay determined 4. We, residents of Stadshagen, can remain strong- willed Adaptability 5. I think we, residents of Stadshagen, can take different measures to deal with this 6. I think we, residents of Stadshagen, have several options to deal with this 7. I think we, residents of Stadshagen, can find multiple means to deal with this 8. There are different ways we, residents of Stadshagen, can deal with this Transformability 9. Dealing with the stress this causes can strengthen us, residents of Stadshagen 10. Dealing with this can have advantages for us, residents of Stadshagen 11. By dealing with this we, residents of Stadshagen can grow as a group* 12. We, residents of Stadshagen, can learn something good by dealing with this Individual Transilience (Lozano Nasi et al., 2023) (measure not included) The following questions are about how you think that the confrontation with climate change affects you. Specifically, we want to ask you to think about how being confronted with the risks of flooding and heat-waves in Stadshagen affects you 1. I can be brave 2. I can be persistent 3. I can stay determined 4. I can remain strong-willed 5. I think I can take different measures to deal with this 6. I think I have several options to deal with this 7. I think I can find multiple means to deal with this 8. There are different ways I can deal with this 9. Dealing with the stress this causes can strengthen me 10. Dealing with this can have additional benefits for me 11. By dealing with this I can grow as a person 12. I can learn something good by dealing with this 4