Valentina Lozano Nasi

Measure Study 1 Study 2 (translated into Dutch) Community based adaptation intentions (and behaviours) To what extent do you intend to take the following measures together with your community within the next year? 1. Contributing to the development of an evacuation plan in case of an emergency due to a natural hazard. 2. Motivating people in our neighbourhood to maintain their houses well to avoid damage from natural hazards caused by climate change. 3. Joining an app that allows to warn the people in our neighbourhood about a natural hazard, such as heatwave or extreme rainfall, and to check on their safety. 4. Considering and discussing a migration plan, in case climate change risks make it too dangerous to keep living in our area. 5. Joining a community initiative to make my neighbourhood greener to better protect against climate change risks, for example by planting trees, building green roofs or parks. 6. Helping my neighbours to prepare for natural hazards caused by climate change, for instance by sharing knowledge. To what extent do you intend to take the following measures within the next year? I intend to... 1. Contribute to measures to prevent residents of Stadshagen from being harmed by the risks of climate change. 2. Use a neighbourhood app to warn other residents of Stadshagen about a heat wave and to check if they are safe. 3. Participate in a neighbourhood initiative to protect Stadshagen against flooding, for example by jointly purchasing sandbags to hold back the water. 4. Changing the way of life in Stadshagen together to make us, residents of Stadshagen, less vulnerable to climate change risks. 5. Participate in a neighbourhood initiative to make Stadshagen greener (tiles out, plants in) to keep temperatures lower in Stadshagen. 6. Contribute to a plan for the redevelopment of Stadshagen to reduce flood risks. Local climate change adaptation policy support To what extent do you oppose or support implementing the following policies in your municipality? 1. Implementing heat warning systems in every city so that people can better protect themselves against heatwaves caused by climate change. 2. Investing public money to make vital infrastructure (for example, energy utilities, power lines, cell towers) more resistant to climate change risks. 3. Launching an awareness campaign that provides people with information on how to prepare for climate change risks. 4. Increase local taxes to invest in measures that protect people against potential natural hazards (for example, flooding) caused by climate change. 5. Invest public money in helping local farmers to prepare for increases in flooding or drought due to climate change. (measure not included) Interest to join SensHagen initiative (adapted from Sloot et al., 2021) (measure not included) 1. I would like to receive more information about SensHagen by subscribing to the SensHagen newsletter 2. I would like to participate in the SensHagen project (by installing sensors at my house. 3. I am interested in the SensHagen project