Valentina Lozano Nasi

Measure Study 1 Study 2 (translated into Dutch) Intentions to Support the SensHagen initiative (adapted from Sloot et al., 2019) (measure not included) 1. I am planning to motivate other inhabitants of Stadshagen to participate in the SensHagen project 2. I am planning to participate in activities organised within the SensHagen project Individual climate change adaptation behaviours To what extent do you intend to take the following measures to protect yourself against climate change risks within the next year? 1. Preparing a household emergency kit, containing for example a flashlight, a radio, emergency blankets, first aid kit 2. Adjusting my home to better withstand natural hazards, for example installing wind shutters or painting my house in a lighter colour to reduce heating. 3. Storing bottled water and canned food in case a natural hazard occurs. 4. Purchasing insurance against losses from natural hazards. 5. Looking up information about whether my house is at risk of natural hazards. 6. Looking up information about what I can do to prepare for natural hazards. 7. Checking weather forecasts to be prepared for natural hazards, such as a heatwave or extreme rain To what extent do you intend to take the following measures within the next year? 1. take measures to prevent my household from being harmed by the risks of climate change 2. ‘buy insurance to cover the costs of the consequences of a flood on my household effects and/or house 3. stay indoors as much as possible during a heat wave 4. change my lifestyle so that my household and I are less vulnerable to the risks of climate change 5. greening my backyard and/or getting a green roof to keep cool during a heat wave 6. create a migration plan if it is too dangerous to keep living in my area due to flooding Community climate change risk perceptions 1. Climate change poses a risk to my community 1. Climate change poses a risk to the inhabitants of Stadshagen Note. * Item rephrased compared to study 1 (i.e. ‘grow as a person’) to make it more appropriate for the collective level. Measures relevant for the collective transilience scale validity are described in Supplementary Material. Study 1 also included the following measures: valence of consequences of climate change; climate change affect; political collective action; support for national adaptation policies; self-efficacy and outcome efficacy for climate change adaptation; brief resilience scale; identification with US; satisfaction with life; political preference; party vote. Study 2 included the following measures: self-efficacy; bottom-up initiative formation; number of housemates. These measures are not relevant for the purposes of the present manuscript and therefore they are not discussed. 4