Valentina Lozano Nasi

165 acknowledgements Ari, grazie dell’enorme goduria nel ridere fino alle lacrime (da sempre), di ricordarmi che il tempo è relativo, perché ogni volta che ci vediamo sembra che ci siamo viste solo il giorno prima. Voi siete i pilastri della mia sanità mentale, spirituale ed emotiva. I am immensely thankful to Frances, for showing me how to ‘get out of my head and into my body’, and for allowing me to make precious and fundamental steps in my own personal development. Yolanda, gracias de todo corazón por ayudarme a sanar las heridas más profundas, por enseñarme a escucharme, a liberarme y, sobre todo, a elegirme. To the members of Sugarspin in Groningen, thank you for allowing me to keep dancing, and hence nurturing my heart, body and soul on a regular basis. To my family, which has been an invaluable source of growth, support, love, and encouragement, I owe my deepest gratitude. Patricia, Mami, grazie del tuo appoggio costante e del tuo accompagnarmi con grande amore in tutte le fasi della mia evoluzione. Alejandra, Tata, gracias por tu apoyo y por darme la oportunidad de ser más compasiva, paciente y comprensiva. Daniela e Saverio, cuggini miei, grazie per il vostro supporto, per il calore familiare a Natale (ma non solo), e per avermi aiutato ad avviare la mia esperienza Olandese. Rodrigo, Papá, gracias por apoyarme en lo que puedes, por reconocer mis logros y méritos y por ayudarme a aceptar lo que no puedo cambiar. Finally, I must take a moment to thank Valentina, myself. This academic journey has demanded an incredible amount of strength, perseverance, and determination. I am immensely proud of the way I managed to carry on through all the (many) challenges of the PhD endeavour and of this chapter of my life. Today, I cannot help standing in awe of the person I have become through this whole process. To all who have played a part, big or small, in this chapter of my life; who touched me with an act of kindness or a special connection; who allowed me to feel very much alive, to laugh or to cry hard; who filled my senses with beauty or pleasure; who made my heart beat fast; who provided inspiration or food for reflection: Thank you. Our paths crossing will forever resonate in the life chapters to come. With deepest appreciation, Valentina &