Valentina Lozano Nasi

166 kurt lewin institute dissertation series The “Kurt Lewin Institute Dissertation Series” started in 1997. The following dissertations have been published during the last two years. See for the complete list. 2021-01: Mengchen Dong: Understanding Moral Hypocrisy: Behavioral Antecedents and Social Consequences 2021-02: Daniel Sloot: Bringing Community and Environment Together: The role of community environmental initiatives in sustainability transitions 2021-03: Burkhard Wörtler: Enhancing Blended Working Arrangements and Individual Work Performance 2021-04: Frank Doolaard: Social exclusion - put into context 2021-05: Laurens van Gestel: The psychology of nudging - An investigation of effectiveness and acceptability 2021-06: Ruddy Faure: Implicit partner evaluations: How they form and affect close relationships 2021-07: Rosabelle Illes: Between a rock and a hard place: Challenges, strategies and resolution of value conflict mediation 2021-08: Nadja Zeiske: The Intrinsic Route to Pro-Environmental Behaviour 2021-09: Katherina Tatiana Alvarez Durnov: The Psychological Impact of Receiving Aid 2021-10: Peikai Li: Looking on the Bright and Dark Sides of Working Life: Appraisals of Work Characteristics and Employee Outcomes 2022-01: Iris van Sintemaartensdijk: Burglary in virtual reality 2022-02: Lu Liu: Public participation in decision making on sustainable energy transitions 2022-03: Rabia Kodapanakkal: The role of tradeoffs and moralization in the adoption of big data technologies 2022-04: Elissa El Khawli: Why, When, and How Workers Regulate: A lifespan perspective on work design and emotion regulation at work 2022-05: Chantal van Andel: Clinical Grade Differences Between Ethnic Minority and Majority Students: Institutional-, assessor and student-related factors 2022-06: Inga Rösler: Hear me out: How to create an open mind towards moral criticism 2022-07: Tessa Coffeng: Bias in supervision: A social psychological perspective on regulatory decision-making 2022-08: Babet Kanis: Hope and Health in the Face of Adversity 2022-09: Martijn Blikmans: Do we live in the age of emotion politics? The effects of anger, disgust, hope, and nostalgia communication on political support and polarization 2022-10: Anne van Valkengoed: Reality, causes, consequences: The role of climate change perceptions in climate adaptation 2022-11: Dan Sun: How People Learn to Act on Goals: A New Examination of the Mechanistic Ideomotor Action Account 2022-12: Carla Roos: Everyday Diplomacy: Dealing with controversy online and face-to-face 2022-13: Christhian Martínez: Hate: Distinctive Features Across Individuals and Groups 2022-14: Wenrui Cao: Forgiveness in Work Relationships: Causes and Consequences 2022-15: Jiafang Chen: How Narcissists Navigate the Communal World