Valentina Lozano Nasi

167 kurt lewin institute dissertation series 2023-01: How Hwee Ong: Demystifying Magical Justice Beliefs: Believing in Justice in a World of Injustices 2023-02: Erdem Meral: Talking about belonging: Whether, why, and how people talk about social exclusion 2023-03: Maria Zwicker: The Complexity of Consumer Attitudes Towards Sustainable Alternatives 2023-04: Shuxian Jin: Social Dilemmas and Institutional Solutions to Promote Cooperation 2023-05: Frank Gootjes: Societal discontent as a catalyst for action: Explaining protest and solidarity, why we help and protest 2023-06: Nieke Lemmen: The autonomy challenge, 5 ways to control control 2023-07: Leonie Vrieling: When others are in control: Understanding public responses to externally controlled energy projects 2023-08: Piet Groot: Born abroad, studied here: A historical and psychological account of migrant doctors integrating 2023-09: Kunalan Manokara: Expressing positive emotions as they are: Spontaneous Production, Display Rules, and the Role of Culture 2023-10: Lei Fan: Navigating Threats Through Disgust: From Pathogen Avoidance to Moral Punishment 2023-11: Kaiyang Qin: Revisiting Automatic Goal Pursuit: Exploring the Value of Goals in CueBased Behavior 2023-12: Xiao Wang: A tale of two identities: The role of environmental self-identity and environmental group-identity in motivating pro-environmental behaviour 2023-13: Yingqiu Wu: Cancer in the Media: Unintended Effects on Prevention 2023-14: Valentina Lozano Nasi: Human Transilience in the Face of Adversities: Embracing Global Challenges as Stepping Stones, rather than Stumbling Blocks. &