Valentina Lozano Nasi

37 individual transilience in the face of climate change Table 2.7. Results of the Oblique Multiple Group Method (MGM) in Study 2 (translated from Dutch) Persistence Adaptability Transformability Persistence 1. I can be brave in the face of climate change risks. .478 .131 .136 2. I can be persistent when faced with climate change risks. .481 .017 .077 3. I can stay determined in the face of climate change risks. .554 .058 .139 4. No matter what climate change brings about, I can remain strong willed. .477 .131 .111 5. I feel paralyzed in the face of climate change risks. (R) a .068 .022 -.192 Adaptability 1. I think I can take different actions to deal with climate change risks. .079 .431 .304 2. I think I have several options to deal with climate change risks. .033 .527 .229 3. I believe I can find multiple means to deal with climate change risks. .088 .571 .293 4. There are different ways in which I can cope with climate change risks. .134 .542 .182 5. I think I have very limited options to deal with climate change risks. (R) a .025 .290 .143 Transformability 1. Coping with the stress caused by climate change risks can strengthen me. .024 .199 .394 2. There can be additional advantages for me in dealing with climate change risks. .021 .204 .498 3. I can find new opportunities by adjusting to climate change risks. a .035 .270 .551 4. Dealing with climate change risks can make me grow as a person. .048 .218 .573 5. I can learn something good from dealing with climate change risks. .142 .259 .525 Note. a = item removed before calculating the scores. Concurrent and Discriminant Validity Concurrent and discriminant validity were supported. As expected, but contrary to Study 1, transilience and perceived risks of flooding were not significantly related (see Table 2.8). This again illustrates that higher transilience does not imply that people perceive less the risks of climate change. Furthermore, transilience was positively related to both self- and outcome efficacy for greening one’s backyard, yet the medium 2