Valentina Lozano Nasi

57 individual transilience in the face of climate change APPENDIX A Pool of Transilience Items and Evaluation by Experts Mean Relevance Mean Clarity Persistence 1. I can withstand the potential stress derived from climate change risks. [CD-RISC] * 3,91 3,09 2. I can persist when confronted with climate change risks. * 4,18 3,73 3. I can be strong when confronted with climate change risks. * 3,73 3,55 4. I will not give up when encountering climate change risks. [CD-RISC]* 3,82 3,45 5. Climate change risks are a challenge for me, rather than a threat. [MACS] 3,36 3,36 6. I am discouraged by climate change risks. (R) * 3,82 3,64 7. I feel paralyzed in the face of climate change risks. (R) 4,18 4,09 8. Climate change risks will bring me down. (R) 3,45 3,27 Adaptability 1. I am confident that I can take different actions to deal with climate change risks. * 4,45 4,09 2. I am confident that I have several options to manage climate change risks. * 4,18 3,82 3. I am confident that I can find multiple means to deal with climate change risks. * 3,91 4,00 4. I am confident that there are different ways of coping with climate change risks. [CFS] * 3,91 3,82 5. I think I have several ways of dealing with climate change risks, when necessary [CFS] 3,82 3,27 6. I am unsure that I have ways to deal with climate change risks, when necessary (R) 3,55 2,82 7. I think I cannot find means to deal with climate change risks, when necessary. (R) * 3,73 3,09 8. I think I have very limited options to cope with climate change risks, when necessary (R) * 3,91 3,55 Transformability 1. Dealing with climate change risks can strengthen me. [CD-RISC] * 4,09 3,36 2. I can also make my life better by dealing with climate change risks. * 4,00 3,64 3. I can find new opportunities by adjusting to climate change risks. 4,27 4,09 4. Dealing with climate change risks can make me grow as a person. [COPE] 4,00 4,00 5. I can learn something good from dealing with climate change risks. [COPE] 4,09 3,82 6. Dealing with climate change risks cannot make my life better. (R) * 4,00 3,27 7. When dealing with climate change risks I can at best repair damage (R) 3,45 2,73 8. I cannot positively evolve by dealing with climate change risks (R) 3,64 2,82 Note. * = item rephrased based on specific comments given by experts; (R) = reverse-coded item. Items in bold were included in the final scale 2