Valentina Lozano Nasi

APPENDIX B Measures in Study 1 (from van Valkengoed, Perlaviciute & Steg 2021) and Study 3 Measure Study 1 Study 3 Study 4 Climate change reality 1. I believe climate change is real 2. Climate change is not occurring 3. I do not believe that climate change is real 1. I Believe climate change is real (Measure identical to Study 3) Climate change negative affect 1. I worry about CC 2. I am concerned about climate change 3. When I think about climate change, I get distressed When I think about climate change, I feel… … distressed … concerned … paralyzed … pessimistic … angry (Measure not included) Climate change positive affect (Measure not included) When I think about climate change, I feel… … hopeful … optimistic Additional item: … confident Climate change risk perception Climate change poses a risk to: 1. Myself and my family 2. National economy 3. The environment 4. Public health Climate change poses a risk to: 1. Myself and my family 2. National economy 3. The environment 4. Public health 5. My community Selected items: 1. Myself and my family 2. National economy 3. The environment Self-efficacy 1. I feel capable of taking actions aimed to protect myself and close others against the negative impacts of climate change 2. I am confident that I can take actions aimed to protect myself and close others from the negative impacts of climate change (Identical measure to Study 1) Additional item: 3. I trust that I can take actions aimed to reduce the negative impacts of climate change on myself and close others. Outcome efficacy 1. My personal actions can be effective in protecting myself and close others from the negative impacts of climate change 2.My personal efforts can make a difference in protecting myself and close others from the negative impacts of climate change (Identical measure to Study 1) Additional item: 3. My own behaviours can help reducing the negative impacts of climate change on myself and close others.