Valentina Lozano Nasi

Measure Study 1 Study 3 Study 4 Local climate change policy support To what extent do you oppose or support implementing the following policies in the United States? 1. Implementing heat warning systems in every city so that people can better protect themselves against heatwaves caused by climate change. 2. Investing public money to make vital infrastructure (for example, energy utilities, power lines, cell towers) more resistant to climate change risks. 3. Launching an awareness campaign that provides people with information on how to prepare for climate change risks. 4. Requiring cities to invest in protection against increases in flooding due to climate change. 5. Increasing funding for farmers to help them prepare for increases in flooding or drought. To what extent do you oppose or support implementing the following policies in your municipality? 1. Implementing heat warning systems in every city so that people can better protect themselves against heatwaves caused by climate change. 2. Investing public money to make vital infrastructure (for example, energy utilities, power lines, cell towers) more resistant to climate change risks. 3. Launching an awareness campaign that provides people with information on how to prepare for climate change risks. 4. Increase local taxes to invest in measures that protect people against potential natural hazards (for example, flooding) caused by climate change. 5. Invest public money in helping local farmers to prepare for increases in flooding or drought due to climate change. Additional items: 6. Increase local taxes to invest in changing the city infrastructure (for example, elevate houses to protect from flooding, or make city centres car free to plant trees and protect from heatwaves) 7. Change working hour schedules around hot weather during spring/summer (for example, working early morning and late afternoon/evening and rest during the day) 8. Lower taxes when climate change friendly infrastructure is implemented in your house (for example, if you have a green roof, a backyard with no tiles/stones, a rain harvesting system) National Climate Change Policy Support (Measure not included) To what extent do you oppose or support implementing national policies aiming to protect US citizens from climate change risks? (Measure not included) Individual climate change adaptation behaviours Have you recently performed the following behaviours to protect yourself from the risks of climate change? 1. Preparing a household emergency kit, containing for example a flashlight, a radio, emergency blankets, first aid kit 2. Adjusting my home to better withstand natural hazards, for example installing wind shutters against hurricanes or painting my house in a lighter colour to reduce heating. 3. Preparing an evacuation plan in the event of a natural hazard. 4. Storing bottled water and canned food in case a natural hazard occurs. 5. Purchasing insurance against losses from natural hazards. 6. Looking up information about whether my house is at risk of natural hazards. 7. Looking up information about what I can do to prepare for natural hazards. 8. Making sure that my home is maintained well to avoid damage from natural hazards, for example cleaning gutters and repairing the roof. 9. Actively checking and following weather forecasts. To what extent do you intend to take the following measures to protect yourself against climate change risks within the next year? 1. Preparing a household emergency kit, containing for example a flashlight, a radio, emergency blankets, first aid kit 2. Adjusting my home to better withstand natural hazards, for example installing wind shutters or painting my house in a lighter colour to reduce heating. 3. Storing bottled water and canned food in case a natural hazard occurs. 4. Purchasing insurance against losses from natural hazards. 5. Looking up information about whether my house is at risk of natural hazards. 6. Looking up information about what I can do to prepare for natural hazards. 7. Checking weather forecasts to be prepared for natural hazards, such as a heatwave or extreme rain. Additional items: 8. Shifting my diet to incorporate foods that are more resistant to and/or better suited for the changing climate in my area. 9. Setting up a relocation plan together with my household, in case climate change risks make it too dangerous to keep living in our current house. 10. Actively question and revise what I value, how I see the world and my daily habits as a response to climate change risks. 2