Valentina Lozano Nasi

Measure Study 1 Study 3 Study 4 Satisfaction with Life (Diener et al., 1985) (Measure not included) 1. In most ways my life is close to my ideal 2. The conditions of my life are excellent 3. I am satisfied with my life 4. So far I have gotten the important things I want in life 5. If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. (Identical measure to Study 3) Positive Change derived from Climate Change (adapted from Cann et al., 2010) (Measure not included) (Measure not included) To what degree did you experience the following changes as a result of being confronted with climate change risks in the last few years? 1. I am able to do better things with my life. 2. I know better that I can handle difficulties. 3. I have a greater appreciation for the value of my own life. Climate Change Anxiety (Clayton & Karazsia, 2020) (Measure not included) (Measure not included) Please rate how often the following statements are true for you: 1. Thinking about climate change makes it difficult for me to concentrate 2. Thinking about climate change makes it difficult for me to sleep 3. I have nightmares about climate change 4. I find myself crying because of climate change 5. I think, “why can’t I handle climate change better?” 6. I go away by myself and think about why I feel this way about climate change 7. I write down my thoughts about climate change and analyse them 8. I think, “why do I react to climate change this way?” 9. My concerns about climate change can make it hard for me to have fun with my family or friends 10. I have problems balancing my concerns about sustainability with the needs of my family 11. My concerns about climate change interfere with my ability to get work or school assignments done 12. My concerns about climate change undermine my ability to work to my potential. 13. My friends say I think about climate change too much. Note. (R) = reverse scored item. Items in cursive are modifications of specific items in Study 1 that were included in Study 3, 4. Study 2 is not in the table as the measures (most of which had only 1 item) are all mentioned in the main text. 2