Valentina Lozano Nasi

76 chapter 3 Table 3.1. Descriptive Analyses, Reliability and Bivariate Correlations between the Measures included in Study 1 M SD α ωt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Transilience 5.12 1.06 .92 .94 2. Individual adaptation behaviours 5.91 0.99 .87 .91 -.04 3. Collective adaptation behaviours 5.05 1.24 .77 .83 .16 .59*** 4. Cognitive coping 5.92 1.31 .11 .28** .21* 5. Positive personal change 4.63 1.38 .85 .90 .45*** .03 .26** .07 6. Well-being 5.39 1.21 .16 -.11 -.12 .09 .21* 7. CC adaptive capacity 3.95 1.89 .30*** -.04 .13 .01 .61*** .25** 8. CC adaptation intentions 5.47 1.49 .05 -.06 .08 -.16 .13 .09 .25** 9. Disengagement 1.85 1.33 .01 -.34*** -.28** -.33*** -.03 -.09 -.02 -.10 Note. M = mean; SD = standard deviation; α = Cronbach’s alpha; ωt = McDonald’s omega; CC = Climate Change *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001 3.3 STUDY 2 Study 2 was conducted in The Netherlands over two time points. In April 2020, Italy recorded 115,242 infections and 13,915 deaths, while The Netherlands had only 16,627 infections and 1,651 deaths (WHO, n.d.). The Netherlands, being somewhat better prepared for the pandemic, had a healthcare system that was less overwhelmed by patients (Hoekman et al., 2020). Moreover, the Dutch government implemented less restrictive measures that had a smaller impact on personal freedom and daily life (Masotti et al., 2022). Thus, the Dutch context offered a distinct setting to test our hypotheses, with lower levels of emergency associated with COVID-19 and individuals having greater freedom and more control over their behaviour, compared to Italy. Data for Time 1 (T1) was collected between March 11 and March 22, 2020. The number of infections (from around 800 to around 6000 weekly cases, WHO, n.d.), as well as the number of deaths (from around 9 to around 500 weekly deaths, WHO, n.d.) increased considerably during this period in the Netherlands. The Dutch government issued that all non-essential economic activities, such as restaurants, schools, gyms, and cafes, had to remain closed (so-called ‘intelligent lockdown’; DutchNews, 2020). Working from home was strongly advised, meetings of more than 100 people were forbidden, yet it was allowed to go outside and meet in small groups, with the strong advice of keeping a 1.5m distance. Data for Time 2 (T2) was collected between April 6 and April 15, 2020, shortly after stricter social distancing measures were introduced. These