Valentina Lozano Nasi

91 individual transilience in the face of the covid-19 pandemic APPENDIX B Full List of Measures Included in Study 1 and Study 2 Measure Study 1 / Study 2 (T2) Study 2 (T1) Transilience in the face of COVID-19 The following questions are about how you think that the confrontation with the risks of coronavirus in Italy / in The Netherlands affects you. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? 1. I can be brave 2. I can be persistent 3. I can stay determined 4. I can remain strong-willed 5. I think I can take different measures to deal with this 6. I think I have several options to deal with this 7. I think I can find multiple means to deal with this 8. There are different ways I can deal with this 9. Dealing with the stress this causes can strengthen me 10. Dealing with this can have additional benefits for me 11. By dealing with this I can grow as a person 12. I can learn something good by dealing with this (Identical measure) Individual adaptation behaviours The following statements are about the measures that can be adopted to limit the spread of coronavirus. To what extent do you currently engage in the following measures? 1. I wash my hands regularly 2. I sneeze and cough in my elbow 3. I use paper tissues 4. I don’t shake hands 5. I keep 1.5m distance from others 6. I wear a mask 7. I try to stay at home as much as possible 8. I stockpiled for basic products (e.g., toilet paper) 9. I stay home if I have early symptoms 10. I follow the news about COVID-19 in Italy / in the Netherlands 11. I avoid people from infected areas/countries 12.I try to protect myself from COVID-19 Identical measure, except item 5 that was replaced by: 5. I call the doctor if I have symptoms of COVID-19 3