Valentina Lozano Nasi

92 chapter 3 Measure Study 1 / Study 2 (T2) Study 2 (T1) Collective adaptation behaviours The following statements are about the measures that can be adopted to limit the spread of coronavirus. To what extent do you currently engage in the following measures? 1. I educate others to take measures against COVID-19 2. I support those negatively affected by COVID-19 3. I work with others to protect our community from COVID-19 4. I talk a lot to others about COVID-19 in Italy/ in the Netherlands 5. I try to protect others from COVID-19 (identical measure) Cognitive coping To what extent do you currently engage in the following measures? 1. I try to make the best out of the situation (measure not included) Positive Personal Change derived from the COVID-19 pandemic The following statements regard the impact that COVID-19 has on your life: Dealing with COVID-19 in Italy / in The Netherlands… 1. …helped me value more my direct environment 2. ...helped me become a better person 3. …helped me set different priorities 4. …made me more resilient 5. …helped me deal better with stress and problems (measure not included) Well-being (Diener et al., 1985) 1. I am satisfied with my life (identical measure) Climate change adaptive capacity The following questions are about the impact that COVID-19 has on your perception of other risks. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Due to COVID-19… 1. … I think I am more resilient in the face of the serious consequences of climate change (measure not included) Climate change adaptation Intentions The following questions are about the impact that COVID-19 has on your perception of other risks. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Due to COVID-19… 1. … I intend to engage in measures to address the serious consequences of climate change (measure not included) Disengagement To what extent do you currently engage in the following measures? 1. I do nothing, because there is no point (measure not included) Note. The measures included in Study 1 were translated into Italian, whereas the measures included in Study 2 were translated into Dutch.