Hanneke van der Wijngaart

123 (Phospho)proteomics biomarkers for sunitinib response in RCC Supplementary Figure 2. Phosphopeptide cluster analyses in sensitive and primary resistant patients a) Unsupervised cluster analysis of identified phosphopeptides. After removal of non-human entries and phosphopeptides with only zero intensities measured, 1900 phosphopeptides were analyzed. b) Supervised cluster analysis of the differentially detected phosphopeptides (n=73) in sensitive and primary resistant patients. Non-unique phosphopeptides (n=24) are filtered for p <0.05, |FC| >2 and ≥30% data presence in the highest group. Unique phosphopeptides (n=49) are filtered for ≥30% data presence. Clustering is determined by non-unique phosphopeptides. No imputation of data is performed. Euclidean distance and Ward’s linkage method were used. 4