Hanneke van der Wijngaart

149 A novel liquid nitrogen-free snap freezer SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES AND FIGURES Supplementary Table 1. Patient characteristics and sample processing. 14 Gauge core needle biopsies were obtained from normal liver tissue in resection specimens from five patients undergoing liver surgery in our hospital. Patient details, as well as the individual biopsies acquired from each patient and the type of analysis performed are presented. The freezing condition “control sample” indicates the positive control that was left at room temperature for two hours, before freezing in liquid nitrogen. For patient 01 only 3 normal liver tissue biopsies were available (phosphoproteomics) and for patients 02, -03- and -04, 6 biopsies per patient could be evaluated for phosphoproteomics, RNA integrity analysis and RNA sequencing. RNA isolation from three biopsies from patient 04 and one biopsy from patient 05 failed. Abbreviations: LN2 = liquid nitrogen, n/a = not applicable, RIN = RNA integrity number, RNA = ribonucleic acid, TIOX = Titanium Oxide, an enrichment method for label-free quantitative phosphoproteomics. Patient ID Age (years) Gender Primary tumor type Indication for surgery Biopsies Freezing method Processed for Number of phosphopeptides Total number of peptides RNA Integrity number Remarks 1 71 M CholangioCarcinoma Resection of primary tumor 1 SnapFreezer TIOX 6054 9225 2 LN2 TIOX 6506 9744 3 Control sample TIOX 7067 10346 2 60 F Colorectal cancer Hemihepatectomy for liver metastases 1 Snapfreezer TIOX 7355 11053 2 LN2 TIOX 7233 10821 3 Control sample TIOX 7060 10690 4 Snapfreezer RNA 9.50 5 LN2 RNA 8.20 6 Control sample RNA 9.30 5