Hanneke van der Wijngaart

27 The Drug Rediscovery Protocol ent the results of the first 215 patients who started study treatment. The enrolment of these 215 patients resulted in the initiation of 76 cohorts (Extended Data Table 2); the baseline characteristics of these patients are provided in Table 1. Table 1. Baseline characteristics of the first 215 patients who started study treatment WHO, World Health Organization. *All patients were required to have exhausted standard therapies, but some patients refused standard chemotherapy owing to fear of toxicity. In addition, on occasion the treating physician had well-argued reasons to refrain from a given standard therapy (such as the low response rate to standard therapies in specific subgroups of patients). n = 215 Age (approximately at consent) Median (range) 62 (23 – 87) Gender Male 114 53% Female 101 47% WHO Performance Status WHO 0 60 28% WHO 1 116 54% WHO 2 14 7% Not available 25 12% Primary tumor types Colorectal cancer 49 23% Non-small cell lung cancer 37 17% Prostate cancer 19 9% Breast cancer 16 7% Gastro-intestinal stroma cell tumor 9 4% Cervical cancer 8 4% Salivary gland carcinoma 8 4% Urothelial cell carcinoma 8 4% Sarcoma 7 3% Ovarian cancer 7 3% Other 47 22% Number of prior systemic therapies Median (range) 3 (0 – 12)* Overall, clinical benefit was observed in 74 patients (34%) (Extended Data Table 3) with a median duration of 9 months (95% confidence interval, 8–11 months). Clinical benefit was observed across all types of treatment, comprising immunotherapy (n = 79 patients, clinical benefit rate of 38%), treatment with small-molecule inhibitors (including PARP inhibitors) (n = 81 patients, clinical benefit rate of 36%) and with monoclonal antibodies (n = 55 patients, 2