Irene Göttgens

Human Centered Design in Health Research 113 5 End-user population Innovation type Design Approach Study Design Patients who experience depression. Web-based system. User-centred system development Mixed Methods Children and adolescents who recently have undergone any type of day surgery. Pain self-management app. User-centred design Mixed Methods Seniors. Serious Game. User-centred design Mixed Methods People with lower limb absence. Foam cosmesis for prosthetic limbs. User-centred product design Mixed Methods Older people with sleep/wake pattern disturbance. Sleep improvement technology. User-centred design Qualitative Children with motor coordination problems. Exergames for children with motor problems. User-centred design Qualitative HIV Clinical care providers. Clinical shared decision support system. Human-centred design Mixed Methods Hospital staff. Non-clinical workspaces. Human-centred design Qualitative Breast cancer survivors. Patient expertise locator for online health communities. User-centred design Qualitative Mexican American women. Patients experiences assessment app. User-centred, iterative design Mixed Methods Surgeons and gastroenterologists. Laparoscopic surgery training box. User-centred design Mixed Methods Parents of children with weight management problems. Healthy eating app. User-centred design Mixed Methods Lung transplant patients. Personal health tracking application. User-centred design Mixed Methods Patients undergoing weight loss treatment. E-health solution for weight loss treatment. Human-centred design Mixed Methods People with COPD. Mobile app for COPD self-management. User-centred, iterative design Mixed Methods