Irene Göttgens

Human Centered Design in Health Research 117 5 End-user population Innovation type Design Approach Study Design People with Parkinson’s disease. Gait training application. User-centred design Mixed Methods People with asthma. Mobile app for asthma self-management. User-centred design Qualitative Women who underwent an abortion. Web-based intervention for post abortion care support. User-centred design Mixed Methods Young adults who have been diagnosed with MS. M-health solution. User-centred design Qualitative Motor-disabled persons who experience textentry difficulties when using mobile devices. Text-entry method for mobile devices. User-centred approach Mixed Methods Older veterans. Educational material for mobile mental health apps. User-centred design Mixed Methods Emergency department physicians. Emergency department tracking board. User-centred design Qualitative People at risk for colorectal cancer aged 50 years and above. M-health screening solution. User-centred design Mixed Methods Patients with heart failure and healthcare providers for heart failure patients. Data visualization. User-centred design Mixed Methods Patient with unipolar and bipolar disorder. Web-based cognitive assessment tool. User-centred design Mixed Methods People who fear harm from others. Digital solution for psychological therapy. User-centred design Qualitative Older adults with fall risk. Mobile app for fall risk detection. Human-centred design Mixed Methods Patients following prostate cancer treatment. Patient dashboard. Human-centred design Mixed Methods Adolescents with lupus. Mobile app for adolescents. User-centred design N.A.