Irene Göttgens

Human Centered Design in Health Research 119 5 End-user population Innovation type Design Approach Study Design Clinicians. Patient record summary review. User-centred design Qualitative Pregnant women. Text messaging. User-centred design Mixed Methods Patients who are preparing for major surgery. Advance care planning decision support video. Human-centred design Mixed Methods Older adults with COPD. Web-based interface for self-monitoring of exercise. User-centred design Mixed Methods Older adults with fall risk. Balance assessment tool. Human-centred design Mixed Methods Physicians. Drug-drug Interaction alert system. User-centred design Mixed Methods Stroke patients with hemiplegia. Personal assistive bathing device. User-centred design Qualitative People with visual impairment. Mobile app for drug information. User-centred design Qualitative Parents with children with type 1 diabetes. Web-based intervention. User-centred design Mixed Methods Patients with low income and chronic medical conditions. Interactive text messaging application. Design thinking Mixed Methods People with brain injury. Brain computer interface. User-centred design Qualitative People with disabilities. Assistive service robot. Human-centred design Qualitative Patients who recover from major cancer surgery. Online educational platform for patients. User-centred design Qualitative Emergency department physicians. Electronic clinical decision support. User-centred design Mixed Methods People with metabolic syndrome. Online social network. Human-centred design Mixed Methods