Irene Göttgens

Human Centered Design in Health Research 121 5 End-user population Innovation type Design Approach Study Design School-aged children. Intervention to reduce schistosomiasis transmission. Human-centred design Qualitative People with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Mobile app for newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes. Design Thinking Qualitative Patient with rheumatoid arthritis. Dashboard to display patient reported outcomes. Human-centred design Qualitative Emergency department physicians. Computerized clinical decision support system. User-centred design Qualitative Patients with phantom limb pain. Tele-rehabilitation Platform. User-centred design Mixed Methods Local clinicians who use point of care ultrasound. Alternative ultrasound gel. Human-centred design Mixed Methods Anaesthesiologists. Digital cognitive aid for intraoperative crisis management. User-centred design Mixed Methods People that use medication. Mobile interface for medication management. User-centred design Mixed Methods Parents and babies. Effective vaccine safety communication. Design thinking Qualitative School-aged children and their parents who deal with asthma management. Asthma Essential Kit. Human-centred design Qualitative Obese, middle-aged women. Patients experiences assessment app. User-centred design Mixed Methods Physiotherapists and patients. A new method for goal setting. User-centred design Qualitative Parents of preschoolaged children with amblyopia. Web-based vision screening tool. User-centred design Mixed Methods