Irene Göttgens

Chapter 5 122 Table 1. Continued. Author (Year), Location Title Timmerman, J. (2016), The Netherlands.[97] Co-creation of an ICT-supported cancer rehabilitation application for resected lung cancer survivors: design and evaluation. Tucker Edmonds, B. (2019), USA.[98] Creation of a Decision Support Tool for Expectant Parents Facing Threatened Periviable Delivery: Application of a User-Centered Design Approach. van der Weegen, S. (2013), The Netherlands.[99] The development of a mobile monitoring and feedback tool to stimulate physical activity of people with a chronic disease in primary care: A usercentred design. Vechakul, J. (2015), USA.[100] Human-Centered Design as an Approach for Place-Based Innovation in Public Health: A Case Study from Oakland, California. Vermeulen, J. (2013), The Netherlands.[101] User-centered development and testing of a monitoring system that provides feedback regarding physical functioning to elderly people. Vilardaga, R. (2018), USA.[102] User-centered design of learn to quit, a smoking cessation smartphone app for people with serious mental illness. Wachtler, C. (2018), Australia.[103] Development of a mobile clinical prediction tool to estimate future depression severity and guide treatment in primary care: User-centered design. Willard, S. (2018), The Netherlands.[104] Development and testing of an online community care platform for frail older adults in the Netherlands: a user-centred design. Woodard, T. (2018), USA.[105] The Pathways fertility preservation decision aid website for women with cancer: development and field testing. Wysocki, T. (2018), USA.[106] A Web-Based Coping Intervention by and for Parents of Very Young Children With Type 1 Diabetes: User-Centered Design.