Irene Göttgens

Human Centered Design in Health Research 127 5 Quantitative methods Design methods · Surveys (not specified) · Storytelling · Metaphors · Persona’s · Experience mapping · Context assessments · Needs assessments · Surveys (not specified) · Participatory workshop · Persona’s · Use case scenario(s) · Decision matrix · MoSCoW method · House of Quality (HoQ) analysis · Goal, Question, Metric (GMQ) Approach · Role play · User journey mapping · Intervention mapping · System mapping · Low functional prototype · Use case diagram · Usability surveys · Feasibility surveys · Surveys (not specified) · Brainstorm · Round Robin Concept Ideation · Voting · Round table discussions · Sketching · Visual mind maps · Idea / Concept voting · Storyboarding · User Narratives · Use case scenario(s) · Low functional prototyping · High functional prototyping · Intervention mapping · Heuristic evaluation · Task analysis · SWOT/Competitor analysis · User journey map · Wizard of Oz method · Card sorting · Weekly sprints · Think aloud techniques