Irene Göttgens

Human Centered Design in Health Research 129 5 Quantitative methods Design methods · Usability surveys · Feasibility surveys · Viability assessments · Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) · Surveys (not specified) · Low functional prototyping · High functional prototyping · Role play · Story boarding · Card sorting · Simulations · Intervention mapping · Cognitive walkthrough · Brainstorm (general) · Heuristic evaluation · Workflow evaluation · Participatory workshop · Wizard of Oz method · Value vs Effort matrix · Think aloud techniques Quality assessment of the studies Using the Mixed Method Appraisal Tool (MMAT), 13 (16%) of the 82 studies included met one or more of the MMAT reporting criteria, based on the study type. The remaining studies had to be rated as unclear on all the MMAT reporting criteria. An overview of the quality assessment results can be found in supplement 4. The biggest limitation to the quality assessment were the lack of uniformity in reporting and the broad extent of the design studies that needed to be captured in limited words for publication. In fact, many of the studies used multiple research and design cycles and generally offered limited details about the applied methodology.