Irene Göttgens

General Introduction 15 1 operationalisation of multiple gender dimensions and investigated their impact on PD specific quality of life domains, which is described in Chapter 3. To investigate if and how gender is situationally performed by people with PD and how PD related symptoms could impact their gendered illness experience, I performed a qualitative study in Chapter 4 to explore the role of gender in the illness experiences of people with PD. Figure 1. Overview of the included chapters and methodological approaches. Part II – Advancing the study of gender medical research The second part of the thesis focuses on ideas to advance the study and analysis of gender in medical research from a human-centred perspective. Human-centred approaches recognize the importance of behavioural, emotional, and environmental contexts and adopt a systems approach towards human needs. I explored how multimethod human-centred design approaches are being used in health research and innovation in Chapter 5. This study formed the basis for the conception of a novel design-based study, described in Chapter 6, to explore patient perspectives on the