Irene Göttgens

Gender Aware PD Care 153 6 Sample In November 2022, self-reported men and women with PD were recruited through the PRIME-NL Gender Study in the Netherlands.4,13 The PRIME-NL Gender Study included a sample of 307 people with PD (127 women and 180 men). People were eligible to participate when they met the following criteria: aged 18 years or older; diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or Parkinsonism; absence of serious cognitive and/or communication impairment; able and willing to participate in a participatory design workshop of 4.5-5 hours (including breaks). Men and women who had previously participated in the PRIME-NL Gender Study and who had indicated an interest to participate in follow-up studies, received an email invitation to participate in the design workshop. In total, 263 participants indicated interest in follow-up studies and received an invitation to participate. The PRIME-NL Gender Study already included a purposive and relatively homogeneous sample of participants with relevant characteristics for this study. Therefore, a convenience sampling method was used with a maximum recruitment goal of N = 40 (20 men and 20 women). For each design session, we intended to include a minimum of 12 participants. Guest et al (2020) determined that approximately 12 participants would be needed to reach higher levels of saturation in qualitative interviews.19 All individuals who indicated to be willing and able to participate in the design workshop received an email confirmation with further information about the workshop objectives, program, and facilitation team. The workshop facilitators (LM, PV, and IG) had no therapeutic relations with the participants and all participants were offered travel reimbursements. Procedure and data collection Empathise (Phase 1): Understanding gender stereotypes and norms in illness experiences. The aim of this first phase was to understand the role of gender stereotypes and norms in health and illness experiences of men and women with PD and how they impact these experiences. Pre-workshop surveys A week prior to the design session, participants received a pre-workshop survey. The Hoffman Gender Scale was used to assess Gender Self-Confidence (GSC) among participants; the degree to which a person beliefs that they meet their personal standards for femininity/masculinity, which is considered a component of gender identity (supplement 3).20 The survey measures two domains of GSC: Gender SelfDefinition, which refers to how salient gender is to one’s individual identity (7-items,