Irene Göttgens

Chapter 1 16 presence of gender norms and stereotypes in PD illness experiences and care delivery and to formulate recommendations for gender-sensitive PD care, using participatory design methods. In Chapter 7, I emphasize the need for contextualisation of gender in medical research to overcome the reproduction of ingrained preconception and stereotypes related to gender that can stand in the way of equitable and personalised care. For the empirical studies in this thesis (Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 6), a stepwise explanatory approach was used to collect and analyse quantitative, qualitative, and design-based data separately on the phenomena of gender and PD.44 Traditional explanatory mixed-method approaches explain or build upon initial quantitative results with an in-depth qualitative study. In this thesis, we added an additional designbased study to build upon the quantitative and qualitative findings (figure 2). The methodological consideration for operationalising and studying gender in PD research are discussed in Chapter 8. Part III – Summary and discussion In Chapter 8 the main findings are discussed, as well as the implications for gendersensitive Parkinson’s and medical research and the future development of gender transformative care interventions. In the final part of this thesis, Chapter 9 and Chapter 10, provide a summary of the results in English and Dutch.