Irene Göttgens

Gender Aware PD Care 163 6 Table 3. Continued Gender Stereotype or Norm Expressed by men/ women Level(s) of social manifestation Exemplar Quotes Men should suppress their emotions Men Internalise / Interpersonal “There might be something masculine about that too, if we’re talking about gender, which we men, we’re not ... SPR We don’t cry as easily no. SPR Finding that more uncomfortable than maybe a woman or something.” [Men] “I have a female specialist. Well, she knows how to get me to shed a tear [...] But then she continues to ask me questions like that and then I get embarrassed, tears come like that. But would that [specialist] be man, I think, I’d be even more embarrassed. SPR Or would he not ask those question? SPR Asking those same question. SPR No, or would that man, that male doctor not have asked that question?” [Men] Men should be strong Men Internalised “I was always a pretty confident person and I’m a lot less so now. And also, when you see yourself move sometimes in the mirror, you think, you are so crooked, you know. That shows a lot less masculinity than it used to. And I sometimes have trouble with that.” [Man] But what I notice is that I have trouble that my masculinity, we can talk about that in a moment, what that means exactly, that’s being tinkered with, that’s being nagged at, so to speak. So, performing in mountain biking, performing in all kinds of other sports yes, you notice that is going to be less. And I find that very difficult. The feeling of being a man and wanting to perform in being strong, being powerful. [Man]