Irene Göttgens

Chapter 6 164 Table 3. Continued Gender Stereotype or Norm Expressed by men/ women Level(s) of social manifestation Exemplar Quotes Men are the providers Men Ideological / Interpersonal / Internalised “All my life, I was raised as a Marine, a professional Marine, from a Reformed family. So that’s a stamp on your worldview. And yes, I was brought up that as a man that you have things taken care of, that the household has adequate resources to run. And my father had ten slogans, one of them was you can’t be afraid, you have to take the bull by the horns. And you try to do that. And then morally you get something and that’s going to hinder you. Then you become dependent on your wife, I have a wonderful wife it’s not about that. But I don’t want to be dependent on her. I say you’re married to me as a guy, but not ’s a caregiver. And I find that very annoying.” [Man] “And I think we are all still from the generation when there is a fairly old-fashioned male-female hierarchy in the home anyway. One does this and the other does that. But with us too, it’s going to change. My wife is also quite old-fashioned, so she keeps pushing everything off, like you arrange it. So that will be quite a challenge in future.” [Man] Men with addictions drink more, women go shopping. Men and Women Ideological “I fortunately don’t have a problem with alcohol myself, but I do know of the necessary men who indeed if they have a problem then they drink more. SPI Yes, is expressions of addiction you say there is something male about that? SPR Well, addiction not so much, but maybe the manifestation. The stereotype is that we grab the alcohol more and a woman goes to the store more so to speak. “[Man] “Yes, the disinhibition in men is more likely to be in sex and in women somewhere else, in expressing feelings, or not expressing them at all, or a little bit snarky. SPR Disinhibition is just a little bit different? SPR Yes. SPR Yes, the expression is different.” [Women]