Irene Göttgens

Gender Aware PD Care 165 6 Table 3. Continued Gender Stereotype or Norm Expressed by men/ women Level(s) of social manifestation Exemplar Quotes Women are the family carers Women Ideological / Interpersonal/ Internalised “What I also notice with couples with Parkinson’s, everyone thinks it’s very normal when a woman takes care of a man with Parkinson’s. But that they find it very special when a man takes care of his wife with Parkinson’s, then suddenly that is a hero. For that woman, that’s normal.” [Woman] “But the husband was sick and then he could also immediately do almost nothing. But when a woman is ill, you stay at home and take care of things. And then they are told by the doctor ‘well it won’t be so bad, because she is still hanging up the laundry’. While you say you can’t move your arm. SPR You should see how I hang the laundry, you know like that. SPR So what else do you have to say. SPR So you have to conceal things sometimes too. SPR Yes that won’t be too bad. SPR Yeah right. SPR Can you still run your household? I said of man you don’t want to know how I do it, but you do it. SPR You can hardly say no because indeed you do. SPR Then it must be not too bad.” [Women] Women should look friendly Women Ideological “Women are supposed to look a little more friendly. SPR And they do feeling supporting gestures and with their face too. And if you don´t do that then they think you´re uninterested. SPR Yes, because you’re such a dragon, such a bitch or such a nasty woman. SPR And with a man that doesn’t happen, or he was drunk, but not that he’s a nasty man. “ SPR I have to think about Prince Claus, of course that was someone you saw a lot in public. That wasn’t one of those stereotypes about I thought ‘hey, what an unsympathetic man’. That was more of ‘oh my, you can tell by looking at him that he has Parkinson’s.’ SPR That’s kind of accepted that’s Parkinson’s, but with the women it takes longer for that understanding of it. Initially she’s cranky.” [Women]