Irene Göttgens

Gender Aware PD Care 167 6 Phase 2: Self-reflective methods Word-Concept Associations The findings of the word-concept association show that women relate care for women with PD with interpersonal traits such being listened to and taken seriously with attention towards balancing the different social roles’ women fulfil in their lives. Clinical associations focused on attention towards the impact of hormonal changes and differences in medication dosage and treatment responses (figure 3). Figure 3. Word-Concept Association: Care for women with Parkinson’s disease For men, the word-concept associations present attention towards dealing with changes and difficulties in expressing emotions, and a focus towards self-management and self-reliance. Also, associations were made with men’s roles as husbands and fathers, feelings of shame and loss of confidence and physical abilities (figure 4). Downloaded Learnings Results of the Downloaded Learnings exercise showed a variety of focal points for gender-aware PD care as described by the participants. Both men and women described a, more sex-linked, focus on potential differences in side effects of PD medication and optimal dosage for men and women. An attention towards personality and life changes and dealing with- and listening to the emotional experience of living with PD were also prominent topics for both genders. Men described a difficulty between balancing a ‘do not complain and carry your emotions’ attitude while also feeling relieved when they were able to express their emotional