Irene Göttgens

Gender Aware PD Care 169 6 working professional) that might require different levels of flexibility in care demand and supply. Furthermore, the women expressed the need for more knowledge regarding the impact of hormonal influences on PD progression and treatment. An overview of the formulated care and research recommendations for future gender-sensitive care research for people with PD is included below (table 4). Table 4. Gender-sensitive PD care and research recommendations Care & Research Recommendations 1. Create more balance between physiological and psychosocial skills and expertise within multidisciplinary care teams for people with PD. 2. Investigations into emotional- experiences, changes, challenges and growth among men and women with PD. 3. Investigation into care needs among men and women with PD in different life stages and circumstances (life-course perspectives). 4. Create more awareness regarding gender stereotypes and prejudices when formulating research questions and analysing research data, to avoid reproduction of restrictive gender biases. 5. Continued investigation into men-specific and women-specific issues by more explicitly exploring and addressing them during medical consultations and research. 6. Proactively discuss social role changes with men and women that are affected by the progression of PD symptoms. 7. Continued efforts for structural research into similarities and differences in biological sex characteristics and social-cultural gender dimensions in diagnostics, treatment, therapy and care for men and women with PD.