Irene Göttgens

Chapter 6 178 Supplements Supplement 1. Overview and description of the included design phases and methods. Included phases of the equity-centred design process, applied methods and objectives Phase Description Empathy The EMPATHY phase of the process is focused on understanding the experiences, emotions and motivations of men and women with Parkinson’s disease (PD). In this phase we aim to uncover gender stereotypes and gender norms that men and women with PD experience in their daily lives and how PD impacts these stereotypes or norms and vice versa. Define The DEFINE phase of the process if focused on developing a point of view about the needs of men and women with PD with regards to gender-aware PD care. During this stage of the process, data from the first phase will inform the design challenge: “How might clinical care for men and women with Parkinson’s Disease become more gender aware?” Ideate The IDEATE phase of the process is focused on the generation of as many solutions to the design question(s) as possible. Once many solutions have been generated, participants will select and prioritize key ideas that could move forward to prototyping. Notice & Reflect The NOTICE & REFLECT phase of the process is ongoing and transparent throughout the design process. It allows the research team to take time to focus and reflect on actions, emotions, insights and impacts as researcher and as humans. This phase activates cultural and social emotional awareness within and among the research team before entering the empathy phase, to allow an authentic human-centred design practice