Irene Göttgens

Gender Aware PD Care 187 6 Supplement 8. Pre-workshop survey | Hoffman Gender Scale | Open Question | Participants’ definitions of masculinity and femininity. What do you understand by ‘masculinity’?* # Response 1 Being part of society, regardless of whether you are male or female 2 The influence of my hormones determines my behaviour and will not be influenced by concepts such as “Masculinity”, which is relative. How can I know what I would feel with a higher testosterone level or oestrogen? 3 Role distributions between male and females 4 That you are assertive and know what you stand for 5 Tough question. Not being able to get pregnant. 6 Less emotional, more rational, loves women, physically stronger, together with woman a good couple 7 That I was born a man 8 The fact, that I have an outward appearance of a man.... 9 Radiate that you are full of self-confidence 10 Still to be determined 11 Masculinity for me is being self-reliant, tough, and strong. Strong in muscular strength but also in decisiveness and decisiveness. Masculinity for me is also being sexually active, not showing too many emotions and being successful in your work. 12 Showing male behaviour 13 Primarily related to sex. Other traits, in my view, are more related to the personality 14 Biological characteristics of the male 15 So called here, all this feels like a very old-fashioned proposition: the man strong, tough, not faint, leading. I have seen that for a very long time: man -woman=equal. Being a man is a given, but being human is the basis. 16 Healthy attention to female beauty! 17 Cannot be said in three words 18 Biologically determined and society-influenced set of behavioural characteristics 19 Stand by what you say or do. A man a man, a word a word! Straightforward and in most cases do not step aside. Warning once should be enough. Respect all women and treat them the same. Don’t participate in gossip etc. Take care of those you love. 20 Strongly inquisitive, protective, gallant, camaraderie. *Responses of male participants.