Irene Göttgens

Gender Aware PD Care 191 6 Supplement 9. Continued Gender identity category How would ‘gender sensitive care’ for people with Parkinson’s look like if we would design it completely wrong? Women (Continued) • Assessing/questioning men and women the same way. Making assumptions. Not asking experts by experience. Not involving immediate family. Fixed / procedure-driven investigations (not being open to conflicting (gender) perceptions). Not listening. Subordinating. • Prescribing medication according to a fixed protocol starting too high instead of building up slowly. Generic explanation of illness with too few solutions about other treatment options. What health care providers do: stigmatize, trivialize, medicate too quickly. Do not: ask questions, be empathetic, present alternatives, emphasize the importance of exercise and daring to ask for help. Point. • Then they start filling in for you what would be good. I am no longer taken seriously and assumptions are made that are not helpful. For me then the right medication does not apply. They start being authoritarian and then I become recalcitrant and then I languish behind the geraniums. • Then women would not get the chance to develop their image regarding their illness. • Little/no attention to emotion: what does the diagnosis do to you, what does the disease do to you. Insensitive handling of input on patient complaints. Not seeing women as equal. Quickly naming complaints as nagging or exaggerated. Cooler approach to the patient.