Irene Göttgens

Chapter 8 214 Table 1. Modified from Nentwhich et al (2013) Typology for the study of ‘doing gender’ with adapted guiding questions for medical and PD research. Relevant themes for ‘doing gender’ in medical research Exemplar questions for research design and analysis Structures Why is it that we define certain health(care) related roles or behaviours as gendered/masculine/feminine? What kinds of social structures (e.g. attitudes, roles, norms, positions, or policies) can we identify in medical data and health research that legitimize a phenomenon as being gendered? How does this affect health outcomes in patient populations or patient-physician encounters? In what ways do (implicit) gendered norms and expectations impact the development and implementation of treatments policies? Hierarchies How are masculinities and femininities respectively made relevant in health related or medical settings? How are differences between gender identities and masculine and feminine gender norms created in a hierarchical way in healthcare or medical settings? How do gender norms impact the utilisation of non-pharmacological interventions for PD, such as exercise and physical therapy? Identity How is the gender identity of patients or healthcare professionals made relevant in research data? How does this differ across different medical contexts? How do gendered social roles and activities influence the quality of life of men, women, and gender diverse people with PD? How do gender identity-based expectations and stereotypes around disability and illness impact experiences of people with PD? Flexible and context specific What is the specific understanding of gender/masculinity/femininity in illness experiences of patients? How does this differ across other context in the health and medical field? How do gender norms and stereotypes related to caregiving roles influence the informal care management of people with PD? How do these effects differ between the gender identities of the caregiver and care recipient? Gradually relevant and subverted How are gender differences emphasized, downplayed, or subverted in health related or medical settings? In what ways are gender norms or stereotypes utilised in patient-provider interactions? How do gendered expectations or biases of healthcare providers influence treatment decision making for Parkinson’s in women versus men? How do (sexed or) gendered assumptions about Parkinson’s disease influence the design and implementation of medical studies and how does this impact our understanding of the disease?