Irene Göttgens

Acknowledgement 251 A Acknowledgement Reflecting on the collaborative work that ultimately resulted in this thesis, the solitary name on the cover of the book does not do justice to the various people who have contributed to this work. Their input has been instrumental, and my gratitude for their involvement is profound. While it is simply not possible to acknowledge each individual contribution here, I would like to highlight a few individuals and groups whose efforts and insights have supported the research presented in this thesis: My first promotor and mentor Prof. dr. Oertelt-Prigione. Sabine, it has been such a gift to grow as an academic researcher with your guidance and mentorship. We met serendipitously through a shared interest in human centred design-based research and with the benefit of hindsight it is not that surprising there we connected on several ideas that culminated into this work on the operationalisation of gender as a socially designed construct. Your system perspective with attention to power dynamics and equity, focus on people’s lived experiences and ability to build multidisciplinary bridges in academia are admirable. I am deeply grateful to have worked in such close collaboration with you throughout this project. You are a true trailblazer for sex- and gender sensitive medical research, glocally. My second promotor Prof. dr. Bloem. Bas, your decades long dedication towards boxing Parkinson’s Disease, together with the team at the Radboudumc Centre of Expertise for Parkinson & Movement Disorders and colleagues worldwide, is truly inspiring. It has been an honour to have been part of the PRIME-NL study and of a team with such motivated individuals. Thank you for your valuable contributions to the various manuscripts. My copromotor dr. Darweesh. Sirwan, your astuteness, open-mindedness towards this novel subject and your clear and committed feedback have been invaluable to this project and my development as a scientific researcher. I am wholeheartedly grateful for your mentorship. Members of the committee: Prof. dr. van der Horst-Bruinsma (chair; reading committee), Prof. dr. Kremer (reading committee), dr. van Harten (reading committee), Prof. dr. Marras, Prof. dr. Kalbe and Prof. dr. Maassen van den Brink. The prospect of defending my thesis before such esteemed experts from diverse fields of research is both humbling and motivating. Thank you for being part of my committee.