Irene Göttgens

Addendum 3 252 Participants and staff of the PRIME-NL Study. The dedication of over thousand participants in the PRIME-NL study and the hundreds of them that participated in the gender sub-studies have made it possible to better explore the role and relevance of gender dimensions in health outcomes and illness experiences of people with Parkinson's disease. Next to the study participants, I want to express my gratitude to the assessor team and data managers of the PRIME-NL study and their support in the collection, management or analyses of the data that was used to address the aims of this thesis. Key influences on my research. Leading up to and during the period of my PhD research, I was fortunate to be in the company of colleagues and friends who have substantially contributed to the work in this thesis and that have encouraged me throughout this journey. Linda: Much of the work presented in this thesis is the results of the many hours we spent analysing data and deeply discussing ideas and research findings. It is, and continues to be, such a joy to work with you in whatever project we find ourselves. My (other) co-authors: I am grateful to have worked with such talented and motivated colleagues that contributed and critically reviewed the worked presented in this thesis: Corine, Paula, Angelika, Nienke, Marjan and Yoav. My (other) gender-unit colleagues: Thank you Nicole, Ilona, Aranka, Lori, Allaa, for exchanging ideas and sharing your work with me. Our meetings frequently brought forward new perspectives that found their ways into this thesis. Dr. Marieke Perry: Thank you for sparking my enthusiasm for scientific research. My PhD mentor: Didi, thank you for your support leading up to and during this PhD project. To my paranymphs: Corine and Sharon, you both have been part of this journey from the very beginning. Thank you for your unwavering support and encouragements. I am incredibly proud to have you by my side during the defence. To my partner: Maarten, you always made sure that every milestone of this journey, no matter how big or small, was celebrated. For this, and so much more, I thank you.