Irene Göttgens

Multiple Gender Dimensions 49 3 Division of household labor was measured with the question: “In your household, who usually does the following task?”. Participant rated their housework responsibilities on 7 core tasks (cooking meals, cleaning the kitchen, grocery shopping, house cleaning, laundry, maintenance & repairs and financial administration).24–26 Response options were: spouse/partner, shared equally, respondent, or someone else. Mean scores were computed, with higher scores indicating increased participant involvement in housework. Division of household tasks was recoded as unequally distributed or equally distributed between spouses/partners in their household. Relative household income was assessed by asking participants about their proportional earnings in their household. Relative income was categorized ranging from 0% – 100%. Relative income was recoded and labelled unequally distributed or equally distributed between spouses/partners in their household. Paid and unpaid labor was measured with the question: “On average, how many hours a week do you usually do paid/unpaid work?” and categorized into 4 categories for paid and unpaid work. Gender relations in the medical domain was operationalized though the attributed gender identity of the primary and attending healthcare provider by the participant. The primary health care provider was defined as “the PD related healthcare provider that the participant visits most often” and the attending healthcare provider was defined as “the PD related healthcare provider who is considered the main responsible care provider by the participant”. Pre-testing of the gender assessments The survey was pre-tested in a convenience sample of 10 random patients, diverse in age and gender identity. The survey pre-test was performed digitally with regards to comprehension, answer retrieval, comfortability with answering the questions and completeness of the response options per item. The survey was optimized based on the pre-test feedback. Tourangeau’s four-stage model was used to inspire the development of the pre-test evaluation questions.27,28 COVID-19 stressors questionnaire Since April 2020, the PRIME-NL questionnaire included eight statements about different situations that could have occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, based on the DynaCORE questionnaire.29 The question that accompanied each statement was: ‘Could you indicate how you experience or experienced these situations because of the COVID-19 pandemic?’ Each question was scored on a six-point Likert-scale ranging