Irene Göttgens

The Salience of Gender 75 4 Materials and methods Design This qualitative research study was embedded in the PRIME-NL cohort study.15 A semistructured life story-based interview approach with a reflexive thematic analysis was used to explore gender related self-concepts in the illness experiences and care provider preferences of people with PD. The life story interviews focused on the impact of PD on the daily lives of men and women with PD. This paper reports on a specific section of the interviews, where participants were asked about their gender identity in relation to living with PD and gender-related care provider preferences. The reporting is guided by the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) checklist.16 This study has been assessed by the Ethical Board of the Radboud University Medical Centre, The Netherlands (CMO file number 2020-6643). Sample Between September 2020 and February 2021, men and women with PD were recruited through the PRIME-NL Gender Study in the Netherlands.8 People were eligible to participate when they met the following criteria: aged 18 years or older; diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or parkinsonism; absence of serious cognitive and/or communication impairment; able to participate in an online interview. Men and women who participated in the PRIME-NL Gender survey study were asked at the end of the questionnaire whether they were willing to participate in this online interview study. The PRIME-NL Gender survey study already included a purposive and relative homogeneous sample of participants with relevant characteristics for the purpose of this qualitative study, therefore, a convenience sampling method was used until the recruitment goal of N=40 (20 men and 20 women) was reached. According to recent research on qualitative sample sizes and capturing salient ideas and prevalent items, smaller samples sizes (n = 10) can collect some to most of the salient ideas, whereas a larger sample size (n=20) is more sensitive and can collect more prevalent and salient ideas as well as less prevalent ideas among participants, especially with probing.17 Guest et al (2020) determined that approximately 12 interviews would be needed per sampling group to reach higher degrees of saturation.18 As the aim for this study was to inductively explore gender-related aspects in illness experiences and care preferences, a recruitment goal of 20 participants per gender identity sample was considered ample to achieve this objective. All individuals who indicated willingness to participate in this PRIME-NL qualitative gender sub-study received an email invitation. Participants who accepted the invitation to join the interview were contacted by the interviewer (LM) via phone 1) to explain the purpose of the interview, 2) to confirm their participation, 3) to schedule an appointment