Irene Göttgens

Chapter 4 80 Table 2. Summary of the findings and gender-sensitive guiding questions for clinicians and researchers. Theme Topic / Subtopic Salience of gender in illness experiences Obscureness of gender Gendered stereotypical views related to PD Gendered invisibility of PD Gendered emotional experiences Gendered help-seeking behaviours Gendered role patterns Relevance of physical appearance Salience of gender in healthcare provider preferences Preference for professional behaviour rather than gender identity Preferences for women as care providers and associated traits One man lived together with his wife, who was also diagnosed with PD and offered a unique opportunity to provide more insights into the potential relevance of gender related self-aspects as compared to his spouse. Although this participant brings forward a stereotypical view related to masculine presentation (“Be looked at more pityingly” in relation to “Look at that man there shaking”), this was not experienced as a salient aspect in his own life.