Irene Göttgens

The Salience of Gender 85 4 core task they are doing. I think we’re just a little better at [multitasking]. Historically, that we do and can do that more. As a result, I also think that women have a little less and later symptoms, because we can communicate more in the head. I also think that women are a little easier at coming up with tricks and that we just get away with it longer. That our brains are just a little more flexible in that regard. [Interview 36, Woman]* One man expressed that a barrier for help-seeking by men could be related masculine norms related to ‘toughness’ [Interview 18, Man], while another expressed that men rather focus on problem-solving than sharing emotions with others as a coping strategy [Interview 29, Man]*. Gendered role patterns Some participants expressed experiences of changes in gender role patterns in their relationship with their spouse, due to increased PD related disabilities. “I think that being a woman, certainly of the generation we are from, where we still assume a certain role pattern, that you are a bit more impaired as a woman [with PD] than as a man [with PD].” [Interview 30, Man] For example, one woman with PD shared that she experienced some difficulties in renegotiating new household task divisions and standards between her and her husband. “Specific for me as a woman? In my relationship with [my husband], I think the element of care is more obvious to me than to [him] and I also have to teach him that at times. Also, the care element in the house, the whole cleaning story also partly has to do with the fact that he has a much easier attitude towards it than I do, and I also have to live in it.” [Interview 17, Woman]* One man expressed that he was not able to complete household maintenance tasks that he considered his responsibility. From his three children, one daughter and two sons, the sons were supportive in taking over these tasks. “Interviewee: I was always busy refurbishing things in the house, painting, wallpapering, I liked sticking wallpaper on the wall, doing repairs of small things that break. I counted that among my tasks, but whether that really has to do with being a man, yes, I think for me it does, yes. [...] That is no longer possible. I’m not going to stand on a ladder anymore.