Irene Göttgens

Chapter 4 88 “I have not yet met a man who can fulfil a care function like a woman can, even though I am being treated for neck complaints by a male physiotherapist and I have his arms around my neck once every 3, 4 months. But really when it comes to nursing, the traditional nursing, yes, I feel better with a woman than with a man. Perhaps this has to do with the fact that a woman is there day and night during the first years of a child’s life and provides care in that way. She is therefore more experienced in this than a man. But I’m probably very old fashioned about that.” [Interview 39, Man] “I think that has to do with an experience that women can take better care than men and rationally I think it’s nonsense that I think that because I don’t think that is the case. But that is how I experience it, that is how I feel it.” [Interview 32, Man] A few women also mentioned that they particularly preferred a woman as care provider when it comes to physical examinations. “When it comes to physical examination, I really like having a woman. Yes. Someone who can simply empathize and sympathize, that is important. From my experience you then end up with a woman more often than with men. Yes, there is still something for men to learn.” [Interview 17, Woman]