Irene Göttgens

Chapter 1 General introduction and outline of the thesi 7
Part I Understanding the impact of gender on health outcomes and illness experiences 21
Chapter 2 The impact of sex and gender on the multidisciplinary management of care for people with Parkinson’s Disease. 23
Chapter 3 The impact of multiple gender dimensions on health related quality of life in people with Parkinson’s disease – an exploratory study. 43
Chapter 4 The salience of gender in the illness experiences and care preferences of people with Parkinson’s disease. 71
Part II Advancing the study of gender in medical research 99
Chapter 5 The application of human-centered design approaches in health research and innovation: a narrative review of current practices. 101
Chapter 6 Gender-Aware Parkinson’s Care: A design-based analysis of patient perspectives on gender norms and gender sensitive care. 147
Chapter 7 Moving beyond gender identity: the need for contextualisation in gender-sensitive medical research. 197
Part III Discussion and summary 203
Chapter 8 General discussion 205
Chapter 9 English Summary 225
Chapter 10 Dutch summary | Nederlandse samenvatting 231
Addendum 237
A1 Research data management 239
A2 List of publications 243
A3 Acknowledgement 249
A4 About the author 255