Eva van Grinsven

118 Chapter 5 Figure 3. Percentage of patients with a z-score ≤ -1.5 in the tumor (red) and stroke group (blue) for all available cognitive tasks. Asterisks indicate significant difference between the tumor and stroke group. Abbreviations: BNT, Boston Naming Task; LF, letter fluency; SF, semantic fluency; IR, immediate recall (RAVLT); DRL, delayed recall (RAVLT); DRN, delayed recognition (RAVLT); ROCFT, Rey Osterreith Complex Figure Test Copy; DSF, digit span forward (WAIS); DSB, digit span backward (WAIS); TMTA, trail making test part A; TMTB, trail making test part B (ratio score). Delayed recall verbal memory (Figure 4D) The SVR-LSM analyses in tumor patients identified a cluster of voxels located within the left ILF (19.6%) that was associated with worse performance on the RAVLT delayed recall. Lesions within the left hippocampus (44.6%), optic radiation (19.3%), parahippocampal gyrus (15.7%), IFOF (12.4%), inferior temporal gyrus (10.6%) and fusiform gyrus (10.0%) were also associated with worse performance. For stroke patients, lesions within the left putamen (18.7%) were associated most with task performance. For both patient groups the IFOF was associated with task performance, but there were no directly overlapping significant voxels (Figure 4D and Table 2). Moreover, the relative number of significant voxels was higher in the tumor group than in the stroke group for this area.