Eva van Grinsven

120 Chapter 5 Delayed recognition verbal memory (Figure 4E) Tumor lesions within the left middle temporal gyrus (24.6%) were strongly associated with worse performance on the RAVLT delayed recognition. Significant voxels were also found in other grey and white matter areas in the left hemisphere, including the hippocampus (58.5%), ILF (40.3%), optic radiation (23.5%), posterior segment of the arcuate fasciculus (20.8%), parahippocampal gyrus (19.7%), inferior temporal gyrus (17.4%), fusiform gyrus (14.4%) and the IFOF (14.1%). For stroke patients not only lesions in the left optic radiation (31.1%), but also in the inferior frontal gyrus opercular (24.8%) and middle frontal gyrus (11.7%) in the right hemisphere were associated with recognition performance. Results from both etiologies indicated the left optic radiation to be involved in task performance. The left IFOF was also found in both groups, albeit with a lower number of significant voxels in the stroke group (Figure 4E and Table 2). Letter fluency (Figure 5) The SVR-LSM analyses indicated that tumor lesions within the insula (20.7%) were highly associated with worse letter fluency performance. Significant voxels extended into grey matter in the left inferior frontal gyrus opercular (24.4%) and triangular (12.5%). Stroke lesions within the left corticospinal tract (9.6%) and putamen (16.5%) were most associated with the task performance. No overlapping region between the tumor and stroke group was found associated with letter fluency performance (Figure 5 and Table 2). Semantic fluency (Figure 6) Performance on a semantic fluency task was strongly associated with tumor lesions in the left arcuate fasciculus (16.0%). Additionally, other involved white matter areas included the left long segment of the arcuate fasciculus (32.9%), anterior segment of the arcuate fasciculus (31.3%) and the corticospinal tract (14.9%). Additionally, lesions in the grey matter of the rolandic operculum (16.4%), Heschl’s gyrus (15.4%) and the precentral gyrus (14.9%) were associated with worse task performance.