Eva van Grinsven

158 Chapter 6 (rrm = 0.792, p < .001) in non-steal regions. Within the steal regions this association flipped with stronger negative CVR (i.e. stronger vascular steal effect) related to shorter AAT (rrm = 0.320, p < .001) and higher CBF (rrm = -0.273, p < .001). Additionally, similar associations can be visually observed in the representative example patient (Figure 5). Figure 4A. Repeated measures correlation plots between ASL metrics (AAT, CBF) and CVR metrics (CVR, hemodynamic lag) using AAT-binned or CBF-binned ROIs. Each color represents a different patient and the lines represent the common linear relationship between the MRI metrics when all participants are taken into account. Statistics for each relationship are provided for each plot separately. Correlations between ASL metrics (AAT and CBF) and CVR metrics (CVR and hemodynamic lag) were also performed and are shown in Supplementary Figure 3. Abbreviations: AAT, arterial arrival time; CBF, cerebral blood flow; CVR, cerebrovascular reactivity; ROI, region of interest.